Selenium Interview Questions for 5 Years Experienced

Selenium has long been a cornerstone in the realm of test automation, and as the tool evolves, so do the questions asked during interviews. Whether you’re a fresher or an experienced professional, staying updated with the latest Selenium interview questions can give you a competitive edge. In this blog post, we’ll cover the most recent and relevant Selenium interview questions to help you prepare effectively.

Table of Contents

Basic Selenium Interview Questions

1. What is Selenium?

Selenium is an automated testing tool used to test web applications across various browsers. It is open-source and can be coded in many programming languages, also it is browser and platform independent.

2. What are the different components of Selenium?

It comprises of four main components:

Selenium Interview Questions

3. What programming languages are supported by Selenium?

Selenium supports various languages like Java, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and Kotlin.

4. Explain the differences between Selenium 3 and Selenium 4.

Feature Selenium 3 Selenium 4

W3C Standardization

Partial support for W3C WebDriver standard.

Full support for W3C WebDriver standard.

Relative Locators

Not available.

Introduced new relative locators (e.g., above, below, toLeftOf, toRightOf, near).

Grid Architecture

Traditional Hub-Node architecture.

Improved Grid architecture with support for Docker and advanced observability.

Browser Support

Supports all major browsers.

Supports all major browsers with improved compatibility and stability.

DevTools Support

Limited to Chrome and Firefox via separate APIs.

Native support for Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP).

Bidirectional Protocol

Not available.

Bidirectional protocol support for better communication between browser and test scripts.

Window Management

Basic window management features.

Enhanced window and tab management (e.g., switching between tabs, opening new windows).

Enhanced Documentation

Good documentation.

Improved and more comprehensive documentation.

HTTP Client

Uses Apache HttpClient.

Introduces a new and improved Selenium HTTP Client.

Action API Improvements

Basic action APIs.

Improved Action APIs with better support for complex user interactions.

Advanced Selenium Interview Questions

1. How do you handle dynamic web elements in Selenium?

By using explicit waits and dynamic locators such as XPath or CSS selectors that can handle changing elements.

2. Explain the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern.

POM is a design pattern that creates an object repository for web UI elements. It helps in maintaining code by separating the test scripts from the locator logic.

Key Concepts:

  1. Page Classes:
    • Each web page in the application has a corresponding Page class.
    • The Page class contains WebElements that represent elements on the web page (e.g., buttons, text fields, links).
    • The Page class also contains methods that perform actions on these elements (e.g., clicking a button, entering text).
  2. Encapsulation:
    • The Page Object Model encapsulates the page elements and interactions, hiding the underlying details from the test scripts.
    • This leads to better code organization and easier maintenance.
  3. Separation of Concerns:
    • The test logic is separated from the page-specific logic.
    • Test scripts focus on what needs to be tested, while the Page classes handle the interactions with the web pages.

3. How do you achieve parallel test execution in Selenium?

Parallel test execution can be achieved using Selenium Grid or TestNG framework by configuring the XML file to run tests in parallel.

→ Below is the Step by Step approach for both the methods

Set Up Selenium Grid:

  • Hub: Central point to manage test execution.
  • Nodes: Machines where the tests will be executed.

Step 1: Start the Hub

  • Download the Selenium Server Standalone JAR.
  • Start the hub using the following command:
					java -jar selenium-server-<version>.jar hub
  • The hub will be available at http://localhost:4444/grid/console.

Step 2: Configure and Register Nodes

  • Create configuration files for nodes specifying browser capabilities.

Example Node Configuration (node-config.json):

  "capabilities": [
      "browserName": "chrome",
      "maxInstances": 5
      "browserName": "firefox",
      "maxInstances": 5
  "hub": "http://localhost:4444",
  "maxSession": 5

Register nodes using the configuration file:

					java -jar selenium-server-<version>.jar node --config node-config.json

Step 3: Configure Test Scripts for Parallel Execution: Modify your test scripts to use RemoteWebDriver and point to the Selenium Grid hub.

Step 4: Run Tests in Parallel: Use a test framework like TestNG or JUnit to manage parallel execution.

⇒ Using TestNG for Parallel Execution:

TestNG is a popular testing framework that supports parallel test execution out of the box.

Step 1: Add TestNG to Your Project: Add TestNG to your project’s dependencies (Maven or Gradle). Below is the Maven Dependency:


Step 2: Create TestNG XML Configuration

  • Define parallel execution settings in the TestNG XML file (Check below code).
					<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">
    <test name="Test1">
            <class name="com.example.tests.ParallelTest"/>
    <test name="Test2">
            <class name="com.example.tests.ParallelTest"/>


Step 3: Implement Test Classes: Use @Test annotations for test methods.

Step 4: Execute the Tests: Run the tests using TestNG, which will execute them in parallel as per the configuration in testng.xml.

4. What are some common exceptions in Selenium, and how do you handle them?

→ Common exceptions include: 

  • NoSuchElementException
  • StaleElementReferenceException
  • TimeoutException
  • ElementNotInteractableException.

They can be handled using try-catch blocks, explicit waits, and proper element location strategies.

Selenium WebDriver Specific Questions

1. What is Selenium WebDriver, and how does it differ from Selenium RC?

Selenium WebDriver is a tool for automating web applications. It directly communicates with the browser without requiring a server, unlike Selenium RC, which needs a server to interact with the browser.

Selenium WebDriver

2. How do you perform browser navigation in Selenium WebDriver?

Using methods like navigate().to(), navigate().forward(), navigate().back(), and navigate().refresh().

3. Explain the concept of Explicit Wait in Selenium.

→ Explicit wait can be achieved in two different ways:

(i) WebDriverWait:

WebDriverWait is used for implementing explicit waits, allowing the program to wait for a certain condition to be met before proceeding.

(ii) Fluent Wait:

  • Fluent Wait finds the element repeatedly at regular intervals of time until the timeout or till the object gets found.
  • Unlike the WebDriverWait, we need to build customized wait methods based on conditions.
  • Both the WebDriverWait and Fluent Wait are two separate classes implementing one common Wait Interface.
					Wait<WebDriver> wait = new
WebElement webElement = wait.until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>()) {
	Public WebElement apply (WebDriver driver) {
		return driver.findElement(WebElement);

4. How do you handle alerts and pop-ups in Selenium WebDriver?

We can handle alerts and popups using the switchTo().alert() method to switch to the alert and handle it using accept(), dismiss(), getText(), or sendKeys() methods.

End to End Project

You can download the source code for End to End Workflow of Selenium Project from my GitHub Profile.Click the below button to download.

Selenium Grid Specific Questions

1. What is Selenium Grid, and why is it used?

Selenium Grid is a component of the Selenium Suite that allows you to run parallel tests across different browsers, operating systems, and machines. It follows a hub-node architecture, where the hub acts as the central point to manage the test execution, and the nodes are the machines where the tests are executed.

  1. Parallel Test Execution:
    • Efficiency: Running tests in parallel reduces the total execution time, allowing for faster feedback and quicker iteration.
    • Scalability: It allows you to scale your testing efforts by adding more nodes as needed, distributing the load across multiple machines.
  2. Cross-Browser Testing:
    • Multiple Browsers: Selenium Grid can run tests on different browsers simultaneously (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
    • Browser Versions: You can test against different versions of browsers to ensure compatibility.
  3. Cross-Platform Testing:
    • Operating Systems: Selenium Grid supports running tests on various operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
    • Configurations: It allows testing across different OS configurations to ensure your application works in diverse environments.
  4. Centralized Management:
    • Hub Control: The hub provides a single point of control for managing test execution, making it easier to monitor and manage tests.
    • Resource Utilization: Efficiently utilizes available resources by distributing the tests to different nodes based on availability.
  5. Consistent Environment:
    • Isolation: Tests can be run in isolated environments, reducing the risk of environment-specific issues affecting test results.
    • Configuration Management: Each node can be configured to match specific test environments, ensuring consistency in test execution.

2. How do you set up Selenium Grid?

(i) Start the Hub

  1. Download the Selenium Server Standalone JAR:
    • Download from the official Selenium website.
  2. Open Command Prompt or Terminal:
    • Navigate to the directory where the JAR file is located.
  3. Start the Hub:
    • This will start the Selenium Grid hub, which will listen for incoming connections from nodes.
  4. Verify the Hub:
    • Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4444/grid/console. You should see the Selenium Grid console.

(ii) Set Up Nodes

Nodes are the machines that will run your tests. You can have multiple nodes, each configured to run different browsers and operating systems.

  1. Open Command Prompt or Terminal on the node machine.
  2. Navigate to the JAR Directory:
    • Go to the directory where the Selenium Server JAR file is located.
  3. Register the Node with the Hub:
    • Replace <hub-ip> with the IP address of the hub machine.
  4. Configure the Node (Optional):
    • You can specify additional configurations like browser type, maximum sessions, etc., using a JSON configuration file or command-line options.
					java -jar selenium-server-<version>.jar node --hub http://<hub-ip>:4444/grid/register

For more information watch the below video for setting up Selenium Grid.👇

3. Explain the difference between a hub and a node in Selenium Grid.

Aspect Hub Node


Central point of control and management

Execution point where tests are run


→ Receives and routes test requests

→ Distributes tests to nodes

→ Monitors node availability

→ Executes tests on specific browsers and OS

→ Registers with the hub to indicate available resources

→ Provides browser capabilities and configurations


Single machine

Multiple machines (can be on different networks)


Listens for incoming test requests from clients

Listens for commands from the hub


→ Configured with a URL (e.g.,


→ Manages a registry of nodes

→ Registered with the hub using the hub’s URL

→ Configured with desired capabilities (browsers, versions, etc.)

Load Balancing

Distributes the test load to nodes

Executes the distributed tests


Does not execute tests directly

Executes tests on browsers and operating systems

4. How do you manage browser compatibility in Selenium Grid?

(i) Set Up the Hub

  • Download the Selenium Server Standalone JAR: Get it from the official Selenium website.

  • Start the Hub

(ii) Configure Nodes for Different Browsers

  • Nodes can be configured to run different browsers and versions. Each node should register with the hub and specify the browsers it can handle.

(iii) Create Node Configuration Files

  • You can create JSON configuration files to define the capabilities of each node.


Preparing for a Selenium interview requires a solid understanding of both basic and advanced concepts. Staying updated with the latest trends and updates ensures you are well-equipped to tackle any questions that come your way. By covering a comprehensive list of questions and their detailed answers, this guide aims to help you ace your next Selenium interview.

Feel free to share your thoughts or add any additional questions in the comments below. Happy testing😊!

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which WebDriver method is used to navigate to a web page?

  • A) .goTo()
  • B) .navigate()
  • C) .get()
  • D) .open()

2. What is the command to close the current browser window in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.close()
  • B) driver.exit()
  • C) driver.closeWindow()
  • D) driver.quit()

3. How do you switch to a different frame in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.changeFrame()
  • B) driver.switchTo().frame()
  • C) driver.moveTo().frame()
  • D) driver.selectFrame()

4. Which method is used to select a value from a dropdown in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) selectByValue()
  • B) chooseOption()
  • C) pickValue()
  • D) selectOption()

5. How can you capture a screenshot in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.takeScreenshot()
  • B) driver.captureScreen()
  • C) driver.saveScreenshot()
  • D) driver.getScreenshotAs()

6. Which WebDriver method is used to find an element using its ID?

  • A) findElementByID()
  • B) locateElementById()
  • C) driver.findElement(
  • D) elementById()

7. What is the correct way to maximize a browser window in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.maximizeWindow()
  • B) driver.window().maximize()
  • C) driver.manage().maximize()
  • D) driver.manage().window().maximize()

8. Which method is used to delete all cookies in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.deleteAllCookies()
  • B) driver.manage().deleteAllCookies()
  • C) driver.cookies().deleteAll()
  • D) driver.manage().cookies().deleteAll()

9. What is the command to perform a right-click in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) actions.contextClick()
  • B) driver.contextClick()
  • C) actions.clickRight()
  • D) actions.performRightClick()

10. Which method is used to retrieve the title of the current page in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.currentTitle()
  • B) driver.pageTitle()
  • C) driver.retrieveTitle()
  • D) driver.getTitle()

11. How do you switch to an alert in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.alert()
  • B) driver.switchTo().alert()
  • C) driver.getAlert()
  • D) driver.handleAlert()

12. Which method is used to click on a web element in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A)
  • B) element.tap()
  • C)
  • D) element.hit()

13. What is the use of driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait() in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) To pause execution for a fixed amount of time
  • B) To set the maximum time to wait for an element to become available
  • C) To set the maximum time to wait for a page to load
  • D) To set the maximum time to wait for the browser to start

14. How can you navigate back to the previous page in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.back()
  • B) driver.navigate().back()
  • C) driver.goBack()
  • D) driver.history().back()

15. Which WebDriver method is used to simulate a keyboard key press?

  • A) actions.sendKeys()
  • B) actions.keyPress()
  • C) actions.type()
  • D) actions.pressKey()

16. How do you retrieve the current URL of the page in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.getCurrentURL()
  • B) driver.retrieveURL()
  • C) driver.getURL()
  • D) driver.getCurrentUrl()

17. Which WebDriver method is used to clear the contents of an input field?

  • A) element.clear()
  • B) element.reset()
  • C) element.delete()
  • D) element.empty()

18. What is the command to submit a form in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) element.send()
  • B) element.sendForm()
  • C) element.submit()
  • D)

19. Which method is used to drag and drop an element in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) actions.drag()
  • B) actions.dragAndDrop()
  • C) actions.moveElement()
  • D) actions.dropElement()

20. How do you handle multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver?

  • A) driver.switchWindow()
  • B) driver.changeWindow()
  • C) driver.switchTo().window()
  • D) driver.window().switch()